I welcome inquiries from scientists with any level of training. People who identify with underrepresented groups within STEM are particularly encouraged to apply.

Postdocs and Graduate Students


Postdoctoral fellows: While I do not have funded postdoc positions available at the moment, external funding is available through national and university programs. To this end, I am more than happy to help develop suitable applications for work in our lab.

Graduate students: Please have a look at the research and themes our lab focuses on. You don’t need to currently hold a scholarship, though having a competitive track record is always helpful to get one. Please attach copies of your CV and unofficial transcript(s) with your first email.

Undergraduate Students


Honours thesis students: Students interested in the honours thesis program are more than welcome to contact me. Projects for honours are fun, diverse, and published where possible.

Volunteers: Undergraduate students are usually supervised by a graduate student, postdoc, or research technician. Please be willing to commit a minimum of 5 hours per week before reaching out.